Around here, it's not "April Fool's Day" (I've never liked that whole idea....), but is "Sonlight Catalog Day." That is, April 1st is the day The Catalog goes "live" on-line, and a homeschooling mom can begin drooling over next year's planned purchases. The day I can start looking at what we might purchase for the upcoming school year, dreaming about what we need, what I want, and what we'll actually get. Planning out the long-term plan for each boy......except this year is different.
For starters, since we switched to a Brazilian schedule, we started our new school year in February. Which means I don't need new materials until next February. Assuming we homeschool next year.
Yes, I hinted at this before, so I suppose I'll talk about it now. We have found a school that has a Brazilian + American program, and they reportedly hire teachers & teachers' aides quite often, particularly native English speakers. Supposedly they hire said folks regardless of whether the person has a valid work visa or not.
So, we are thinking about sending my resume' to them, in hopes of me being hired so the boys could attend school there. Employees' children get to attend the American program (which combines the Br. + Am., for half a day in Portuguese & half in English) for 20% of the cost of tuition, which makes it actually affordable for us to put all three boys in school.
Why would we put the boys in school when we love homeschooling so much? That's a good question, and I have three good answers: Language Acquisition, Friends, and Getting Ready for High School.
So, we're considering it. Some of us are more reluctant than others, but all of us are open to what is best for the boys. Of course, by "all of us" I mean Quentin & I. The boys have mixed feelings about it. Or, rather, some of the boys are excited and some are not.
So, there it is. The new term would start in August, so we have a bit of time before any sort of decision needs to be reached. And a great deal of what-ifs about the whole thing. IF I were to get the job, IF they are even hiring, IF they are willing to hire me without a work visa, IF we decide the benefits are worth getting up at 6:00 a.m. every morning, IF we can line up transportation, IF, IF, IF.......
While we wait on all these "IFs" pray for us. Pray for Quentin & I to be absolutely united on what is best for the boys.