Saturday, July 18, 2009


We have been thoroughly enjoying watching the bats each evening as they visit our 3 hummingbird feeders. It is such a delight to get to see nature up close & personal like this, to be able to study these amazing creatures right outside our windows and out our back door. I am so very grateful for the opportunities we have like this; the boys are beyond thrilled, as well.

Every night around dusk the bats start showing up. At first it is just one or two, and only the occassional "hit" on the hummingbird feeders. After an hour or two, we start to notice pretty frequent activity, when "all" the bats come out and are actively visiting all 3 feeders at once.

At the peak of activity, we think we have about 6 bats; perhaps we have more, but they are so difficult to count, as they are not all out visiting at the same time. The most we've counted at one time, though, is six.

They enjoy two sections of our back yard; the first, and most popular, is around the pool bathroom and the churrasco. There is a small "building" at the back of the porch, and the bats love to fly in circles around that area. They dart into the open bathroom, and dart back out again. We have inspected during the day, hoping to find bats living in the bathroom, but we were disappointed. No bats in the daytime, snoozing in our bathroom.

The other area they like is to swoop down a narrow sidewalk on one side of our house; they swoop down this corridor and light on the hummingbird feeders for a moment before swooping off to someplace else.

During the peak of activity, we have counted a bat hitting a feeder once every 5 seconds or so. See for yourself!

Watch the yellow hummingbird feeder for the action....

P. S. -- The Author is well, and we are heading out of town in the morning for a business trip. See you soon!

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