Thursday, August 20, 2009

I was a Guest Author!

A fellow homeschool mom from the Sonlight forums started a series on Organizing the HomeSchool. She asked for volunteers to answer a written interview, and of course me & my big mouth jumped right in. That was in the few days I was hiding out on SL while Quentin was gone.

Today, my interview is posted on her site as a "featured article" titled:
Homeschooling Your Way: Adjusting as You Go

Check it out! She's got a neat little series going, and lots of the articles were helpful. Just click the link up above and it will take you right to her page and my very informative (read: slightly long) article.

I've never Guest Blogged before, so I thought I'd better share it here with my regular readers. I know you wouldn't want to miss any of my wise words......right????


  1. Fabulous! It was a good read and not too long at all. :) Good links with the desk organizer and SL. I need a good excuse for an organizer....


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