Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Power to Bring Heather's Homeschool to a Screeching Halt.....

Normally, naptime is our cue to get schooling.  At least it was in the old days, when Zach napped every day. 

Now it is more often a sign he stayed up too late the night before, or a sign we've had a horrendous day waiting on the over-tired antics to play themselves out into sleep.

Today it is a fevered repose as a certain little boy tries to fight a raging fever.  Forty-five minutes after the first Motrin dose and he's at 103*F. 

He goes to the doctor tomorrow at 11:20 our time, and we'd appreciate your prayers for him between now and then.

Meanwhile, school's canceled until further notice.  A worried momma does not make a very good teacher, and even though we have a sub in the family, she's a little too far away to do me any good right now.


When I first took his temperature at 2:00 pm, it was 102. 4*F; I gave him motrin (ibuprofen) and checked again 45 minutes later; it was 103*.  I thought his squirming the first time had messed up the reading, so I waited 30 minutes and checked again, to make sure the fever really was heading in the right direction. 

Friends, as of right now, 3:20, his temperature is up to 103.7* F. I am dosing him with Tylenol as we speak, and wiping him with a lukewarm washcloth to try and cool him down. I will recheck his temperature in another 30 minutes; if he hits 104* we will take him in NOW to the Pronto Soccoro (urgent care).

PLEASE PRAY his temperature starts to DROP rather than keeps increasing. He also has a cough, runny nose, and 2 days ago had a strange rash we thought was a reaction to his cough medicine. The medicine was stopped, the rash is gone, but we will report all of these symptoms to the doctor. Please pray for my baby; I've not yet, in 12 years of parenting, had a child with a rapidly increasing fever like this *after* receiving fever meds. Especially not motrin, which around our house is known as the Fever Eradicator.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for the little guy:)Keep us posted as you can.


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