Monday, January 10, 2011

What Has Sonlight Curriculum Done for Me?

Luke, over at his Sonlight Blog, recently asked "What has Sonlight done for you, the teacher, during your homeschool journey?"  

Wow. What a question.

We've been using Sonlight Curriculum for, oh, 9+ years now. We first picked up a Sonlight catalog way back in March of 2001, at the suggestion of my Aunt Nancy, when The Writer was just 3.5 years old and trying to correct me on phonics rules. We've used Sonlight ever since, never looking back, never wanting to try anything else.

The benefits to the boys have been huge, but that's not what this post is about.  No, Luke wanted to know what Sonlight's done for me. The mom. The teacher. Well, settle in, this is likely to get a little bit long, because the benefits for me, the teacher, are many.

The biggest benefit to me is the support. Sonlight provides an on-line Forum, a whole community of other moms (and some dads) who are, or recently have been, or maybe are getting ready to, homeschooling with Sonlight. I can go there with any question imaginable, and someone will know the answer.

Not just questions about homeschooling stuff, either. Questions or discussion on homemaking. Health. International living. Parenting. Current events. Entertainment. Subject specific questions. Grade-level/Core program specific questions. Prayer requests. And anything and everything in between. Seriously.

For me, living as an American in Brazil, where homeschool support is, understandably, zero, this has been priceless. I can jump on-line at any time of day (assuming my internet is working) and write a question, like my math scheduling question from my last post. Within a few hours, sometimes a few minutes!, I can check back and someone will have answered. Or lots of someones.

In the past week, I've used the forums to ask about scheduling Miquon math and how to schedule a research paper for The Writer. I've answered someone else's question about what I'd do differently if I were starting over.  I wrote a thank you note for advice on what TV shows are good enough to buy on DVD, and safe enough for the whole family to watch. I've read up on how other ex-pats are coping with living outside their home countries, and learned what's going on in the world and how people are reacting to what's going on.

This is the kind of conversation I just don't get here, living where I do. The kind of conversation, the kind of community, that I only get through my blog (thanks to you guys), through email with a few friends back home (hi Robin and JM), and through the Sonlight Forums.

But, aside from this community, what else has Sonlight done for me? I mean, one day I'll be back in the US and have real life homeschool friends again, and community won't be as vital a need for me then. Just like it wasn't as vital a need for me before we came here. Surely there are other benefits, right??

Of course there are! The next big thing I've received from Sonlight is the Instructor's Guide (the IG). Every book we'll use in a year, perfectly scheduled. Two schedules to choose from, even, so that I have flexibility within that structure. Notes, vocabulary words, mapping assignments, timeline assignments. Comprehension questions and discussion questions for many, if not all, of the books. Things so beautifully laid out that I don't have to rearrange unless I just want to (and sometimes I do).

This is worth it's weight in gold (and being a hefty, and heavy, book, that's saying a lot!). So far, with every Core we've used thus, I have been able to pick up the Core, open the IG, and teach. I merely have to check off what we've done, and not turn the page until we've finished everything laid out for that week. Or I can pick and choose if I like. Either way, the bulk of the work is done for me. Love love LOVE that.

Now -- what about choosing books? How do I know they're good books?? Well, I know because I trust Sonlight. I know if they've chosen to include it, it's worth reading. Which means I can, if I want, just hand the boys their books and tell them what to read, when. I don't have to pre-read and make sure everything is safe for them. I love that. Now, I still do pre-read, because, well, they're good books! But if I ever don't, that will be okay. What a relief that is!

The biggest thing, though.....confidence. I've never second-guessed my curriculum choices. I've never worried, "Am I doing enough?? Are they learning enough??" I've never wondered if I can do this job, because  Sonlight has fully equipped me, with the IG, to do it and do it well.

I've never wondered if I'm good enough, because I've heard, through the constant encouragement on the Forums, that I am (good enough).

I've seen, if only on-line, kids grow up and graduate after using Sonlight materials for school. I've read of kids, Sonlight Grads, going on to really top notch colleges and universities.  I've talked to friends who've used Sonlight, whose kids are older and graduated, and seen that it really does work, and all kinds of people can do this and do it well.

So I don't have to doubt, I don't have to worry or wonder.  I know that Sonlight curriculum can, and does, and will work, because I've seen it in action. I know that I can teach it to my children, because so many other moms and dads just like me are doing it, have done it, and done it well.

So, what has Sonlight done for me? Sonlight has given me community. Sonlight has equipped me to teach my children. Sonlight has encouraged me that I can teach my children. In other words, Sonlight has made me the confident, successfuly homeschooling mom that I am today, and given me joy in what could be a chore if I didn't have the right tools and support.

That's what Sonlight has done for me, the mom, the teacher. I hope you like that answer, Luke. It's just the plain, honest truth. 


  1. Wow, wow, wow. Thank you so much for sharing this! It is very encouraging to hear that the things we pour tremendous effort into translate into such blessings for you. Thank you for taking the time to share.


  2. I don't think SL and Luke (our favorite SL developer) could be happier with these comments, friend.

    I'm so glad you found Sonlight!

    Personally, I'm glad you found the forums. ;-)

  3. oh I missed that question, most of Jan is a blur still. Thanks for the thoughts and thanks for the nudge too.


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