Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Being a Good Citizen, from Son #1

My boys have daily creative writing for school. I print a calendar of writing prompts from Lakeshore Learning's Teacher's Corner & their Printables page, and the boys write. Easy for me, they enjoy it, and I love learning about my boys through what they put on paper.

A recent topic surprised me with their insight -- "Tell what you think it means to be a good citizen."

As this week marks Brazil's Independence Day I thought it a good time to share on this topic, and will follow up with my own thoughts later this week. For today, what The Writer (almost 14) thinks it means to be a Good Citizen (shared with his permission).

To be a good citizen is....
To be polite to our neighbors and to follow the law for sure, but it would also be pretty good to recycle and not waste things. Not arguing with your friends or brothers/sisters would also be nice.  And also, helping others in need. 

Simple. Basic. Focused on being kind and helpful to our fellow man, with no prejudice or criteria for who deserves our kindness or help.

I think he covered the important parts, don't you?

*look for The Artist's thoughts tomorrow and my thoughts later this week.....


  1. yes excellent - but i am not sure that not arguing with friends or your brothers/sisters quite fits, cause you have to be ready to argue for things you feel are right and good, for example those poor or less fortunate. now arguing just for the sake of being right or verbal beating your brothers up - then yes, dead on.

  2. Now if only I could convince my kids to be good citizens (as defined by The Writer)... ;-)

  3. It's an excellent topic. I think Americans sometimes think they invented being a citizen when that honor sort of goes to the Greeks.

    I think your son has hit the nail on the head. Those are the sorts of qualities I like in other citizens and the ones I try to exemplify in myself.

  4. Kinda makes you proud, doesn't it, to see / read such indications of maturity? Me too.


  5. Just wanted to let everyone know I will address my thoughts and your comments when I do the post from my point of view, later this week. Hoping we can have some good discussion on this!


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