Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Poem -- "Come Sew and Go" -- by The Artist, age 9

The Artist, age 9 years and 10 months, wrote a poem and asked me to share it with you. Since he's been exceptionally delightful lately, I couldn't resist.  And since the Grandparents read the blog, I'm kind of obligated to post these types of things every now and then anyway.

Please enjoy his poem.

Come Sew & Go
by The Artist, age 9

Every day I go to sew.
When I'm done I go.
My free time
Is my play time.

When I'm nice there's rice.
When I'm mean it's Halloween.
When I'm sad today
It's a bad day.


  1. Woo-Hoo!! Love your poem!

    Especially the sewing part. :) Every day... bliss!! But I'm not done, even with sewing every day. I think you need to come cook for me and then I'd have more time to sew.

    I hope tomorrow is a good day for you.

  2. Very good. I think that's an excellent poem.


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