Friday, May 20, 2011

Another Accomplished Scholar: The Writer

As you can probably guess from his blog nickname, my oldest son The Writer is more in tune to his literary side than his math side. I won't go so far as to say he's more right-brained than left-brained; the boy is phenomenally good at things like building and constructing (with Lego as well as any other material you hand him), and he's quite the engineer, really.

But math, which he's good at when he let's himself be, is not at all his favorite subject. He'd much rather be doing, well, anything else. Anything but math.

And this year, his 8th grade year, he started Algebra I. Today, he had his first Algebra test. He scored a 90, an A. And I couldn't be more proud.

(side note: I seem to say that about my boys pretty often.....)

Of course, in typical Writer fashion, he pulled some answers out of thin air. Or, more accurately, he flipped a coin for at least one of the True/False questions. (he got it right). And he let me know, though not too loudly, when a problem was tripping him up.  I've come to expect that kind of thing and just ignore it. Or tease back.

When he really showed himself? The last question was a word problem, asking "If the Henderson family traveled 782 miles, at an average speed of 68 miles per hour, how many hours did the trip take?"

The Writer added the following:
"Adding the time it took for each stop light, toll booth, traffic, and bathroom (or lunch) breaks, Who knows?"*
(*pssst, Mom, the answer is 11.5)

As proud as I am of his 90% on the test, I have to admit I laughed, out loud and for real, at his final answer. Truthfully? His creativity there makes me just as proud as the A in Algebra.

I really am Mom to a fantastic bunch of boys, and my oldest is leading the way. What has someone done lately in your family to make you smile? 


  1. His answer cracked me up! Love it! I admit it---I got a snicker this morning out of my daughter's loopy behavior brought on by dental sedation. And I'm smiling right now because for the first time in FOREVER both of my little darlings are taking a nap! Woo hoo for me!

  2. Princess would SO do that - she frequently rolls her eyes at some of the questions.

    My kids make me smile on a regular basis - letting me nap today was a good thing :)

  3. Oh, that's priceless! Just wonderful. And, very, very accurate. ;)

  4. Well done on the math test, young man!


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