Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What My Kids Are Learning....

Since everyone in the US is in "Back to School" mode, I thought I'd at least participate with a "What the kids are learning" post. We school along the Brazilian school calendar, from Feb to Nov, with our summer break in Dec/Jan (southern hemisphere, ya know...). As such, we're approaching the end of our school year, not the beginning, but we are expecting a shipment or two of school supplies soon, thanks to the Grandmas back home. Fun times those will be, opening those boxes! We all love new school supplies.

So, what are the boys learning this year?

They are learning about people around the world who don't know about Jesus or the One True God.

They are learning about people around the world who might know about Jesus, but don't yet have the Bible translated into their language.

The Writer is learning about fractions, and percents, and performing complex word problems with same. You know, Sue sold 2/3 of her muffins in the morning, and 1/4 of the remainder in the afternoon, and then had 36 muffins left over; how many did she have to start with. Serious stuff.

The Artist is learning to multiply and divide, and is amazed that the one is just the reverse of the other. Glad he enjoys it.

The Adventurer is learning to count. For real this time. He understands numbers pretty well, and knows at a glance if there are 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 of us at the table. But ask him to count a line of shoes and he counts 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 4, 10, 14. He is finally asking me to help him sort that out, and so I'm doing my best.

They boys are all learning what signs to look for to tell if your pregnant kitty is going to deliver soon. Nothing like lessons from real life, huh? Haven't I mentioned yet that we're expecting (kittens, I mean)?

The big boys are learning Portuguese, thanks to dear, sweet Louci. The Adventurer is learning to hide upstairs whenever she comes over. I am learning that Portuguese Class Time is my most productive time of day, because all the boys stay occupied and out from under foot.

The Writer is learning, and sometimes The Artist sneaks in a listen, about US/Japan relations in the time of the Shogun, and how steam ships were a scary looking thing back then.

The Artist is learning about God's faithfulness to His people, thanks to a great book "Missionary Stories with the Millers."

The Adventurer is learning that sometimes Mom is right when she says things like "Don't do that, you might get hurt." So far he's learned that "falling off" the bunkbed ladder to the bean bag below might hurt your back if you fall wrong. And he's learned that jumping from the rolling chair to the non-rolling chair, and back again, might send you crashing forehead first into the hard, tile floor below. No lasting injuries, but hopefully lasting lessons.

They are all learning to return their new pencils to the proper place, not spread them out across hundreds of hiding places in the house, never to be found again. 'Cause Mom does not like losing brand new pencils.

I hope the boys are learning that Mom enjoys school time with them, and play time with them, and that family is the most important thing. I can see they are learning to help each other, to interact with all age groups, to take care of little ones or weak ones, to give respect to older ones, and to get along with people, no matter the differences between them.

In short, they are learning plenty of things that will help them be successful, Godly young men one day. At least, that is my prayer.

What are your kids learning?


  1. Oh, Core 5, yes?! It's my favorite.

    And Missionary Stories with the Millers, top notch!

    Sounds like they're learning lots! I think I'm going to make the What My Kids are Learning a monthly thing!


  2. oooh, a monthly report would be wonderful!

    Yes, Core 5. We're taking our time (using it over 2 years) and really enjoying it. We're also doing Core 1+2, sort of.


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