Friday, February 4, 2011

Creativity Times Three: My Three Sons

I have some really creative kids. Seriously. The things my boys come up with, it will sometimes knock your socks off. Today I want to share three of those things, one from each boy, 'cause I think they are all three pretty amazing.  The boys and the objects of creativity. I'm fairly sure you'll agree.....

The Writer's:

He'd recently been given a small magnifying glass. A lens in the hands of a 13 year old boy, mixed with tropical sunshine....I should have predicted this one, but he took "burning holes in leaves" to a whole different level. Check it out....

a bull's eye, and a smiley face burned into a leaf.
He used a magnifying glass, focusing the sun's rays, to do this. 
Next up, The Artist's:

He's been greedily snatching up all my scrap fabric, and dabbling in sewing. He made a tree shaped Christmas ornament, a blanket for one of his stuffed animals, and then this - a gift for The Chemist's birthday.  As soon as The Artist saw scraps of batting in his scrap bag, he knew just what he wanted to do. Every stitch is his, except for the binding added to the outside. He chose every color, every piece of fabric, planned exactly how to arrange it all -- this is truly his creation, start to finish. I pin for him and draw a straight line for stitching, he does the rest. Not bad for a just-turned 10 year old, is it?

front view
(he chose brown because it reminded him of chocolate pudding, and Christmas)
(no, we've never eaten chocolate pudding at Christmas....)

back view
(he wanted to use one of every fabric he had, thus pieced on both sides)
Lastly, The Adventurer's: 

This boy is full of creative fun, morning to night. All day long, every day. Sometimes it wears on me, if you want the truth. But sometimes it amazes and delights me. Like this project - "Dubloons," a board game he designed based on a Sponge Bob episode. Start at the boat, roll two dice, move the number of spaces (by jumping on the rocks) until you arrive at the "X marks the spot."  He used character legos for pieces, and even a little pick ax (lego) and golden treasure chest (also lego). When you reach "X marks the spot" your character digs with the pick ax and reveals the buried treasure. Pretty ingenious, don't you think? Remember, he won't be six until later this month....

Caught in the Act
this is right after he called me to Come see!
since I'd been cutting tape for him all morning, I was curious what he'd come up with.

"Dubloons" board game
I have to admit, I'm impressed. I think the frame around it is a nice touch.
Plus, math skills, counting all the rocks and taking turns, going the number on the dice.
Not a bad work for a morning...
Well, what'd ya think? Pretty creative, my boys. How about you and yours? What creative thing have you or your child(ren) done lately? Grown-ups, go ahead and chime in here too! All tales of creativity welcome. 


  1. Everything is wonderful! I'm thrilled with their creative pursuits. It will be fun to see how this all plays out in 15 - 20 yrs.

    Of course, the quilting... ROCKS!!
    My brother loved burning w/ a magnifying sheet!! (8 1/2 x 11")
    And I have a book on making board games for your school.

  2. My first thought was how wonderful this mother is that she sees her boys as wonderful.... they know this and it feeds the a sense of 'try anything'.... this is where the creativity sprouts from. then of course these are all very good and you are not in the least prejudiced. I love the tounge sticking out... total concentration.

  3. The shirtless-ness speaks to the tropical every day-ness. Very cute.

    Let the sun shine.

  4. Well, of course they are creative look who they have for a mom and great-grandmother. My most creative moves were last night as I collapsed a step stool pinching my right thumb between the seat and the legs. Good thing I'm left handed. Love, Mom

  5. Great, great, great! All three. That really is wonderful!

  6. We had so much fun with the burning but yep tropical sunshine works so much better than our London summer.

    The quilting is amazing and that shot with the tongue is great. Cool board game creation too.

    As for creating? Princess is currently snuggled up on the couch with me and Wookie watching "Life on Earth" and knitting something red in the round because she wanted to. Nope she doesn't know what it is yet.

    Ewok has still got lego and robotics scattered across his bedroom.


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